Viser nu Georgien - Post frimærker (1990 - 1999) - 267 frimærker.

1993 The First Anniversary of Admission to UN

31. juli VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 25 Design: P. Natsvlishvili Gravering: P. Natsvlishvili Perforeringer: 13¼

[The First Anniversary of Admission to UN, type ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
59 DA 25R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
60 DB 50R 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
61 DC 100R 1,59 - 1,59 - USD  Info
59‑61 3,18 - 3,18 - USD 
59‑61 2,66 - 2,66 - USD 
1993 State Flag and Arms of Georgia

11. oktober VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Z. Khabaradze Perforeringer: 12 x 11½

[State Flag and Arms of Georgia, type DD]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
62 DD 0.50R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1993 Ancient Art

11. oktober VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 25 Design: G. Komlev Perforeringer: 11¾ x 12¼

[Ancient Art, type DE]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
63 DE 1K 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1993 National Paintings

11. oktober VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 25 Design: I. Martynov Perforeringer: 11¾ x 12¼

[National Paintings, type DF]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
64 DF 1.00K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
1993 Treasures of National Museums

11. oktober VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 36 Design: G. Komlev Perforeringer: 12 x 12½

[Treasures of National Museums, type DG]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
65 DG 0.50K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
1993 Religious Buildings

18. november VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 50 Design: V. Orbeladze Perforeringer: 13½

[Religious Buildings, type DH] [Religious Buildings, type DI] [Religious Buildings, type DJ] [Religious Buildings, type DK] [Religious Buildings, type DL] [Religious Buildings, type DM] [Religious Buildings, type DN]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
66 DH 30K 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
67 DI 40K 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
68 DJ 50K 0,53 - 0,53 - USD  Info
69 DK 60K 0,53 - 0,53 - USD  Info
70 DL 70K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
71 DM 80K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
72 DN 90K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
66‑72 4,00 - 4,00 - USD 
1994 The 2nd Anniversary of the Georgian Olympic Committee

27. maj VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 24 Design: P. Natsvlishvili Perforeringer: 13¼

[The 2nd Anniversary of the Georgian Olympic Committee, type DO]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
73 DO 100+50 K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
1994 Admission of Georgia to the Universal Postal Union

30. maj VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 35 Design: V. Orbeladze Perforeringer: 13½ x 13¼

[Admission of Georgia to the Universal Postal Union, type DP]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
74 DP 200K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
1994 The 150th Birth Anniversary of Niko Nikoladze

31. maj VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 24 Design: P. Natsvlishvili Perforeringer: 13¼

[The 150th Birth Anniversary of Niko Nikoladze, type DQ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
75 DQ 150K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
1994 Stamps of 1993 Surcharged

31. maj VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 11¾ x 12¼

[Stamps of 1993 Surcharged, type DD1] [Stamps of 1993 Surcharged, type DG1] [Stamps of 1993 Surcharged, type DE1] [Stamps of 1993 Surcharged, type DF1]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
76 DD1 5000/0.50K 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
77 DG1 5000/0.50K 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
78 DE1 10000/1K 0,53 - 0,53 - USD  Info
79 DF1 10000/1K 0,53 - 0,53 - USD  Info
76‑79 1,60 - 1,60 - USD 
1994 All-Georgian Congress

9. oktober VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 50 Design: E. Amashukeli Perforeringer: 14 x 13¾

[All-Georgian Congress, type DV] [All-Georgian Congress, type DW]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
80 DV 100K 1,59 - 1,59 - USD  Info
81 DW 200K 3,18 - 3,18 - USD  Info
80‑81 4,77 - 4,77 - USD 
1994 Stamps of 1993 Surcharged

25. oktober VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 11¾ x 12¼

[Stamps of 1993 Surcharged, type DG2] [Stamps of 1993 Surcharged, type DE2] [Stamps of 1993 Surcharged, type DF2]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
82 DG2 200000/0.50K/R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
83 DE2 300000/1K/R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
84 DF2 500000/1K/R 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
82‑84 1,34 - 1,34 - USD 
1995 The 100th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee

28. marts VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 30 Design: P. Natsvlishvili Perforeringer: 14½ x 14¼

[The 100th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee, type EA] [The 100th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee, type EB] [The 100th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee, type EC] [The 100th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee, type ED]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
85 EA 10K 0,80 - 0,80 - USD  Info
86 EB 15K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
87 EC 20K 1,59 - 1,59 - USD  Info
88 ED 25K 1,59 - 1,59 - USD  Info
85‑88 5,04 - 5,04 - USD 
1995 The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili

29. marts VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 10 Design: A. Sarchemlidze Perforeringer: 13¾

[The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EE] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EF] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EG] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EH] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EI] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EJ] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EK] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EL] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EM] [The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type EN]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
89 EE 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
90 EF 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
91 EG 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
92 EH 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
93 EI 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
94 EJ 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
95 EK 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
96 EL 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
97 EM 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
98 EN 20K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
89‑98 10,60 - 10,60 - USD 
1995 The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili

29. marts VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 1 Design: A. Sarchemlidze Perforeringer: 13¾

[The 77th Anniversary of the Death Niko Pirosmanashvili, type ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
99 EO 100K - - - - USD  Info
99 5,30 - 5,30 - USD 
1995 Definitives - Architecture

30. marts VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 20 Design: V. Orbeladze Perforeringer: 14

[Definitives - Architecture, type EP] [Definitives - Architecture, type EQ] [Definitives - Architecture, type ER] [Definitives - Architecture, type ES] [Definitives - Architecture, type ET] [Definitives - Architecture, type EU] [Definitives - Architecture, type EV]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
100 EP A 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
101 EQ A 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
102 ER I 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
103 ES I 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
104 ET I 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
105 EU U 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
106 EV U 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
100‑106 7,42 - 7,42 - USD 
1995 Definitives - Monuments of Architecture

31. marts VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 20 Design: V. Orbeladze Perforeringer: 14

[Definitives - Monuments of Architecture, type EW] [Definitives - Monuments of Architecture, type EX] [Definitives - Monuments of Architecture, type EY]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
107 EW 1K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
108 EX 2K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
109 EY 3K 1,06 - 1,06 - USD  Info
107‑109 3,18 - 3,18 - USD 


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